Thursday, February 5, 2009

Not My Man Godfrey

I disliked this movie for one major reason and liked it for another. I disliked this film because of the weak plot and boring storytelling. I could not really connect with the film, after being told it was a screwball comedy. If not told beforehand, I never would of guessed the genre. I may have said comedy but definitely not screwball. And I know people are going to say- "What about the guy with the gorilla impression?" and "What about Irene in the shower?." Yea...I can see how that is pretty outrageous and screwy, but didn't feel that it was sufficient enough to make it a complete screwball comedy.
Granted the only other screwball film I have seen is 'Bringing Up Baby,' I still feel "Godfrey" is lacking in the comedy department. I actually enjoyed Baby with its intense characters and wild adventure that the audience could go along the ride for. Baby just offered so many sexual innuendos and slapstick comedy that it was hard not to fall for the film. But with Godfrey, to be completely honest, I was just bored with the storyline, and laughed only a couple times.

One thing that I definitely loved about this film is not the comedy aspect of it, but rather the era that it depicts and how it reveals Americans living in one of the most horrific times as a country. The audience gets to see firsthand how an economic depression effected millions of Americans in the 1930's. That adds a great deal to the film I feel, because it shows how the film reflects something that truly did happen and affected everyone (all classes), even if it just meant interaction with one another (Like Godfrey becoming the Bullock's butler).

Another thing that I thought was cool in the reading that I read was how the film transmuted audiences front row and center to the lives of rich people. And its true, most movie goers in the 1930's were the middle class who were being affected by the depression and wanted to be taken to a world where life appears easier and more luxurious. They were brought into a hgih class world of champagne, ballrooms, and rich people scavenger hunts. THey were also taken right into homes with tall spiral staircases, chandeliers, and beatiful furniture.

ALthough My Man Godfrey fell short in the storyline with me, I still feel that it is a great piece of art to take a look back into one of America's grimmest moments and see how life can greatly be affected by the economy. Kind of scary...considering everything happening now...

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