Sunday, February 22, 2009

Double Indemnity...Baby

Wow, now this is the first movie in the American Film class that really grabbed my attention from start to finish. I have been wanting to watch this film for years, but have never caught it on TCM or AMC. This film had everything a great Film Noir should have- dark settings, attractive femme fatale, cheesy dialogue (especially on the voice overs), and a great murder tale.

Double Indemnity had me guessing the whole time on what Phyllis really was up to. Was she truly a victim? Or was she just a self-absorbed brat who wanted everything when she wanted it? Well turns out she was just the girl who would do anything to get her way, no matter how many men she had to manipulate in order to get there. And that is what interests me so much with this film, like said in the reading, is that it "shows the attractive side to evil." Although ultimately each character ends up getting caught in the end, audiences are drawn to these characters. The audience doesn't really have a choice though it seems either, The main character is Neff, who commits the murder for Phyllis, but we the audience don't view it as being "that bad" because we are under the impression that the man who was killed was a little prick anyway who was supposedly abusive to his wife. But the audience sees two very attractive people, almost like in Natural Born Killers, where you know they are doing bad things, but for some reason their intentions almost seem right or moral.

And one other thing was that the dialogue reminded me alot of some of my favorite movies from the 1980's, that mock Film Noir- including The Naked Gun series. I know that it should be the other way around, but I grew up on The Naked Gun with Leslie Neilsen, so I'm used to it from him. But when Neff would say "Baby" and "How could I have known that murder could sometimes smell like honeysuckle?" That was a riot.


  1. I think it's really interesting that you mentioned the audience not really having a choice in liking the 2 main characters. It's actually pretty true. We're not really used to having a set of main characters who is as sinister as these two, which probably just adds to their appeal. They were not cookie-cutter in anyway, and their dark sides are what made them interesting, and therefore likable to audiences.

  2. What's this movie about, do you think? What's the bigger picture?

  3. I feel this movie is about a man who is sick of his everyday life. It is a film about a man who is seeking for a thrill, something to spice up his life. And upon meeting Phyllis, he immediately finds that thrill. He knows murder is bad, and the audience knows that he knows this. But he goes through with it anyway, because he needs this in his life right now.
    I feel it the film really conveys the idea that a person's mind can be manipulated, not only by a beautiful woman, but by a person's lifestyle and or wants.

    Neff falls victim for a life that is not right for him. But he does do the horrible act, and immediately regrets it. But he soon realizes he must give himself in and pay for what he had done. So I feel the film is about self-realization and redemption as well.
